Concurso de Afiches Santander-Rio "Sueños Latinos"
lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011 | | |Saludos amigos, recientemente participe en el Concurso de afiches Sueños Latinos, organizado para el Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño 2011 en Buenos Aires, Argentina donde obtuvo Mención Honorífica por el Foro de Escuelas de Diseño y el premio al más votado por el público, aqui les dejo la imagen de mi afiche realizado en 3dsmax/Vray y photoshop.
Espero les guste!
Grettings, last week I took my chances at the Posters Contests "Latin Dreams" which took place at the Latin American Design Meeting 2011 at Buenos Aires, Argentina and I got two prizes: Honourable mention by The Design Schools Forum and The most voted poster, the image above was my entry for the contest.
Hope you like it!
Espero les guste!
Grettings, last week I took my chances at the Posters Contests "Latin Dreams" which took place at the Latin American Design Meeting 2011 at Buenos Aires, Argentina and I got two prizes: Honourable mention by The Design Schools Forum and The most voted poster, the image above was my entry for the contest.
Hope you like it!